The greater majority of persons do not even consider using an independent building inspector as they have entrusted their builder to construct their new home correctly, unfortunately there are far too many errors made during construction and many of these go unnoticed, or inspectors are called in after you, or one of your friends may have noticed a defect and then get a negative response from the builder. By involving an independent experienced building inspector we can provide you with free ongoing building advice seven days a week through your new homes construction, and provide you with a comprehensive typed individual building report at critical stages of the home's construction as it is our goal to protect your best interests and be there to support you through the entire building process and beyond.
Each home is different and rather than spend more money than necessary on an often unnecessary inspection stage report we request that you email us your homes drawings (your builder will be able to provide you with an electronic PDF copy) and at no cost or obligation we will assess the homes design, construction materials, the site and expected engineering and then recommend which inspections are ideal for your individual home and provide fixed pricing for each inspection, we will also send you examples of building reports showing you the level of detail included and easy to read formatting of our building reports.
Typically for most homes the recommended inspections include Plate Height (completion of walls) and Roof Frame followed by a Practical Completion Inspection, however many of our clients prefer to have an inspection at each progress claim stage to coincide with the building contract. You will also have access to us seven days a week for free over the phone advice answering any questions that may arise between inspections, it is generally a five month build time for most single storey homes and longer for two storeys, we are here to assist you through the entire process, from the builders administration, under construction and beyond.
We suggest that you advise your Builder in writing that you have appointed an independent building inspector to carry out periodical building inspections on your behalf. To assist you we have prepared a letter in Word format which also includes details of our company, the inspector, insurances, qualification, licenses and the like, this letter can be obtain from our website www.affordablebuildinginspections.com simply download ‘Appointment of Authorised Person – Building Inspections’ which you will find under the 'More' tab then open the ‘Downloads’ tab the letter is a Word document which enables you to fill in your name and the property address, then save and send to your builder. Note: If your builder sends you any documentation to sign regarding your appointment of a building inspector, our advice is NOT to sign this as there is no legal obligation for you to do so and by signing, the builders form may restrict timing and inclusions within the building report, which is not in your best interests (feel free to contact use directly for more information).
Each inspection details all works performed at the time of inspection and the individual building report is fully described and worded in simple language which can then be forward onto the Builder, and thereafter we will continue to provide you with free advice and assistance with any response from the builder.
For further details contact us today or ring our senior inspector Darren direct on 0409906688 or email your homes drawings to [email protected] for your obligation free assessment and quotation.
Building Defects
This photo is an example of non-compliant brickwork (incorrectly bonded brickwork).
For other examples of building defects that we find identify during our inspections please visit our blogs page.

Perth - Under Construction Inspection Service Areas
We offer building inspection services carried out by our highly experienced and qualified building inspector in all suburbs of Perth including: Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Armadale, Ascot, Ashfield, Attadale, Atwell, Bateman, Beaconsfield, Beckenham, Bedfordale, Beeliar, Belmont, Bentley, Bertram, Bibra Lake, Bickley, Bicton, Booragoon, Brentwood, Brookdale, Bull Creek, Burswood, Byford, Calista, Canning Vale, Cannington, Cardup, Carlisle, Casaurina, Champion Lakes, Cloverdale, Como, Coogee, Coolbellup, Cooloongup, Darling Downs, East Cannington, East Victoria Park, Ferndale, Forrestdale, Forrestfield, Gosnells, Hamilton Hill, High Wycombe, Hillman, Hilton, Huntingdale, Jandakot, Kalamunda, Karawara, Kardinya, Kelmscott, Kensington, Kenwick, Kewdale, Langford, Lathlain, Leda, Leeming, Lesmurdie, Lynwood, Maddington, Manning, Martin, Melville, Mount Nasura, Mount Pleasant, Mt Richon, Mundijong, Munster, Murdoch, Myaree, North Lake, Oakford, Oldsbury, Orelia, Palmyra, Parkwood, Parmelia, Perth, Port Kennedy, Queens Park, Riverton, Rivervale, Rockingham, Roleystone, Rossmoyne, Safety Bay, Salter Point, Samson, Secret Harbour, Seville Grove, Shelley, Shoalwater, Singleton, South Lake, South Perth, Southern River, Spearwood, St James, Success, Thornlie, Victoria Park, Waikiki, Walliston, Wandi, Warnbro, Waterford, Wattle Grove, Wattleup, Wellard, Welshpool, Westfield, White Gum Valley, Willagee, Willetton, Wilson, Winthrop and Yangebup.
Mandurah - Under Construction Inspection Service Areas
We offer Under Construction Inspections and a full range of building inspection services carried out by our highly experienced and qualified building inspector in all suburbs of Mandurah including:: Mandurah City as well as Barragup, Bouvard, Clifton, Coodanup, Dawesville, Dudley Park, Erskine, Falcon, Furnissdale, Greenfields, Halls Head, Herron, Lakelands, Madora Bay, Mandurah, Meadow Springs, Parklands, San Remo, Silver Sands, Stake Hill and Wannanup. We also cover Golden Bay, Herron, Karnup, Lake Clifton, Nambeelup, North Yunderup, Ravenswood, Singleton, South Yunderup.