As Building Inspectors in Perth and Mandurah, Affordable Building Inspections is all about assisting Clients and giving them the best advice. We have put together some information below for you to read and to download at your convenience. We also offer free over-the-phone consultation and advice on 0409 906 688.

Perth - Service Areas
We offer building inspection services carried out by our highly experienced and qualified building inspector in all suburbs of Perth including: Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Armadale, Ascot, Ashfield, Attadale, Atwell, Bateman, Beaconsfield, Beckenham, Bedfordale, Beeliar, Belmont, Bentley, Bertram, Bibra Lake, Bickley, Bicton, Booragoon, Brentwood, Brookdale, Bull Creek, Burswood, Byford, Calista, Canning Vale, Cannington, Cardup, Carlisle, Casaurina, Champion Lakes, Cloverdale, Como, Coogee, Coolbellup, Cooloongup, Darling Downs, East Cannington, East Victoria Park, Ferndale, Forrestdale, Forrestfield, Gosnells, Hamilton Hill, High Wycombe, Hillman, Hilton, Huntingdale, Jandakot, Kalamunda, Karawara, Kardinya, Kelmscott, Kensington, Kenwick, Kewdale, Langford, Lathlain, Leda, Leeming, Lesmurdie, Lynwood, Maddington, Manning, Martin, Melville, Mount Nasura, Mount Pleasant, Mt Richon, Mundijong, Munster, Murdoch, Myaree, North Lake, Oakford, Oldsbury, Orelia, Palmyra, Parkwood, Parmelia, Perth, Port Kennedy, Queens Park, Riverton, Rivervale, Rockingham, Roleystone, Rossmoyne, Safety Bay, Salter Point, Samson, Secret Harbour, Seville Grove, Shelley, Shoalwater, Singleton, South Lake, South Perth, Southern River, Spearwood, St James, Success, Thornlie, Victoria Park, Waikiki, Walliston, Wandi, Warnbro, Waterford, Wattle Grove, Wattleup, Wellard, Welshpool, Westfield, White Gum Valley, Willagee, Willetton, Wilson, Winthrop and Yangebup.
Mandurah - Service Areas
We offer building inspection services carried out by our highly experienced and qualified building inspector in all suburbs of Mandurah including: Mandurah City as well as Barragup, Bouvard, Clifton, Coodanup, Dawesville, Dudley Park, Erskine, Falcon, Furnissdale, Greenfields, Halls Head, Herron, Lakelands, Madora Bay, Mandurah, Meadow Springs, Parklands, San Remo, Silver Sands, Stake Hill and Wannanup. We also cover Golden Bay, Herron, Karnup, Lake Clifton, Nambeelup, North Yunderup, Ravenswood, Singleton, South Yunderup.